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Contract Management Workflow

"Automate your contract acquisition process to save time and increase efficiency."

To automate the process of securing a contract outside IR35 for roles like AI consultant, technical project manager, and delivery manager, you can set up a streamlined workflow that helps you track opportunities and manage applications efficiently. Here's a simple five-step automated workflow for your contract management.



  • Title: "Contract Management Workflow"
  • Subtitle: "Automating Contract Acquisition for AI and Tech Roles"
  • Tagline: "Automate your contract acquisition process to save time and increase efficiency."
  • Description: A guide to automate securing contracts outside IR35 for AI and tech roles using Python scripts to fetch, parse, and track job listings and applications.
  • Keywords: Contract Management, Job Applications, Python, IMAP, Google Sheets, NLP, AI Roles


# Contract Management Workflow
- Automating Contract Acquisition for AI and Tech Roles
- Automate your contract acquisition process to save time and increase efficiency.
- A guide to automate securing contracts outside IR35 for AI and tech roles using Python scripts to fetch, parse, and track job listings and applications.

## Topics
- Daily Job Fetching: Job Listings, APIs, Web Scraping, Automation, Python
- Filtering and Sorting: Keywords, Filtering, Ranking, Job Relevance, Python
- Application Prepping: Templates, Customization, Cover Letters, Resume, AI Tools
- Application Submission: Automation, Pre-filled Forms, Reminders, Job Tracking
- Follow-Up and Tracking: CRM, Trello, Airtable, Application Status, Follow-Up

Topic 1: Daily Job Fetching

"Automate the process of fetching new job listings daily."

Objective: Automate the process of fetching new job listings from multiple sources.

Tools: APIs or web scraping tools, Python.

Description: Use APIs or web scraping tools to gather new job postings daily from sources like LinkedIn, Indeed, and niche job boards for tech and AI roles. This automation ensures you have the latest job listings available for review.

  1. Fetch job listings using APIs: ```python import requests

# Example API call to a job board response = requests.get('', params={'keywords': 'AI consultant'}) job_listings = response.json() ```

  1. Web scraping for job postings: ```python from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests

response = requests.get('') soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') jobs = soup.find_all('div', class_='job-listing') ```

Topic 2: Filtering and Sorting

"Filter and sort job listings based on relevance."

Objective: Automatically filter and sort job listings based on keywords.

Tools: Python.

Description: Filter job listings based on keywords such as "AI consultant," "technical project manager," "delivery manager," and "outside IR35." Rank these opportunities based on relevance and potential fit.

  1. Define filtering criteria: python keywords = ["AI consultant", "technical project manager", "delivery manager", "outside IR35"]

  2. Filter and rank job listings: python filtered_jobs = [job for job in job_listings if any(keyword in job['title'] for keyword in keywords)] ranked_jobs = sorted(filtered_jobs, key=lambda x: x['relevance_score'], reverse=True)

Topic 3: Application Prepping

"Generate customized cover letters and resumes automatically."

Objective: Use a template system to automatically generate customized cover letters and tweak your resume.

Tools: AI tools, Python.

Description: Generate customized cover letters and tweak your resume to match the job description keywords. Use AI tools to analyze the job description and suggest the most relevant projects and skills from your portfolio.

  1. Create a template system: ```python cover_letter_template = """ Dear {recruiter_name},

I am excited to apply for the {job_title} position at {company}. With my experience in {relevant_skills}, I am confident I can contribute effectively to your team.

Sincerely, [Your Name] """ ```

  1. Customize cover letters and resumes: python cover_letter = cover_letter_template.format( recruiter_name="John Doe", job_title="AI Consultant", company="TechCorp", relevant_skills="AI development and project management" )

Topic 4: Application Submission

"Streamline the application submission process."

Objective: Automate the submission process where possible, or set up reminders for manual submissions.

Tools: Python, reminders.

Description: Automate the submission process where possible, or set up reminders and pre-filled forms to streamline manual submissions. Ensure that each application is tracked for follow-up.

  1. Automate submissions: ```python import requests

submission_url = '' application_data = { 'name': 'Your Name', 'email': '', 'resume': 'path/to/resume.pdf', 'cover_letter': cover_letter } response =, data=application_data) ```

  1. Set up reminders: ```python import datetime from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler

scheduler = BlockingScheduler()

def send_reminder(): print("Reminder: Submit your application for AI Consultant role at TechCorp.")

scheduler.add_job(send_reminder, 'interval', days=1) scheduler.start() ```

Topic 5: Follow-Up and Tracking

"Monitor the status of each application and automate follow-ups."

Objective: Implement a CRM or use a simple tracking tool to monitor the status of each application.

Tools: Trello, Airtable, Python.

Description: Use a CRM or simple tracking tool to monitor the status of each application. Automate follow-up emails or set reminders for personal follow-ups to increase your chances of landing an interview.

  1. Set up tracking in Trello: ```python import trello

client = trello.TrelloClient(api_key='your_api_key', api_secret='your_api_secret') board = client.add_board('Job Applications') list = board.add_list('To Apply') list.add_card('AI Consultant at TechCorp') ```

  1. Automate follow-up reminders: ```python import smtplib

def send_follow_up(email): with smtplib.SMTP('', 587) as server: server.starttls() server.login('', 'your_password') server.sendmail('', email, 'Follow up on job application')

follow_up_list = [''] for email in follow_up_list: send_follow_up(email) ```


Automating the contract acquisition process using Python scripts can save significant time and increase efficiency, allowing you to focus on securing the right roles and preparing for interviews.